P & C
Our school Parents and Citizens (P&C) organisation exists to promote the interests of the school through co-operation between parents, teachers, students and members of the general community. The P&C raises money to assist in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities for the school, and organises events and activities to foster community interest in educational matters.
The P&C is run solely through the energy and commitment of our parents and caregivers.
We are always looking for new ideas for events or fundraising activities and volunteers for upcoming events, so please come to the meetings or email us if you have any ideas!
The P&C communicates with parents through several different forums.
Beacy P&C meetings are held twice each term from 7:30 – 9:00 pm in the staff room. Minutes from P&C meetings are sent out via email to all P&C members. Membership is only $1, so other than attending the meeting, this is the best way to stay completely informed.
We also have a parent from each class who volunteers to be a class representative. This involves staying in touch with all the parents in your class and ensuring they are kept up to date with the latest P&C news and activities.
Please click the link for the most up to date information regarding the Beaconsfield P&C:
Regular P&C newsletters and notices will also go out via the schools ‘Connect’ app and on the ‘Beacy Parents’ Facebook page. Note that this page is for school parents and carers only so you will need to complete a quick survey to join.
Any direct queries or ideas please also feel free to contact the P&C via our dedicated email address beacypandc@gmail.com
Beacy P&C Newsletters
Keep up-to-date with all the latest from the Beacy P&C.