Enrolment Information

Thank you for your interest in applying to enrol your child at Beaconsfield Primary School. Priority is given to students who live within the local intake area, or who have siblings attending the school – however other families are also encouraged to apply, as out of local area admission can occur if there are places available. Priority is given to students who live within the school boundaries.

The first step to enrol your child into Beaconsfield Primary School is to complete an ‘Application for Enrolment‘. Once your child’s enrolment has been accepted, you will then be required to complete our official enrolment documentation.

The school will require evidence of your child’s age and residence when submitting an application to enrol your child. This evidence includes:

  • Your child’s birth certificate (original or certified copy) or birth extract or equivalent identity documents
  • Immunisation records from the Australian Immunisation Register (1800 653 809)
  • Family Court orders (if applicable)
  • Medical records where applicable (e.g. asthma, allergies)
  • Passport and visa details (if applicable)

It is essential that all of the information on these forms is accurate and current. All medical information needs to be correct at time of enrolment to enable the school to create an emergency response plan, if required.

Parents will be notified in writing of the outcome of enrolment decisions at the earliest opportunity.

Kindergarten Enrolment

Enrolment for Kindergarten will be assessed in Term 3. Western Australia now has immunisation laws that will help to better protect children and the wider community from vaccine-preventable diseases. Schools can only enrol Kindergarten students who provide acceptable evidence of immunisation status, or who are eligible to enrol as an exempt child because of particular family circumstances.

Guidelines for acceptance of Kindergarten enrolments are:

Priority One Priority Two Priority  Three Priority Four
Children living in the intake area of the school and have a sibling enrolled at the school for the following year. Children who live in the intake area of the school but will not have a sibling enrolled at the school for the following year. Children who live outside the intake area of the school and have a sibling enrolled at the school for the following year.


Children who live outside the intake area of the school but will not have a sibling enrolled at the school for the following year.

Note: If there is more than one child in any of the above categories, priority will be given to children living closest to the school, measured in a straight line from place of residence to the school.

Pre-primary to Year 6 Enrolment

The School Education Act 1999 guarantees a place for every child in the compulsory years of schooling in their local school. Beaconsfield Primary School is designated as a local intake school.

As per the School Education Act 1999, parents do have a choice of schooling options. Parents of children not residing within the local intake are invited to complete an Application for Enrolment for consideration by the Principal. Eligibility for entry will be dependent upon positions available within the school.

Students with disability

 In order to provide an appropriate education program, the school may require specific information relating to your child’s disability and personal needs to enable the school to make any necessary teaching and learning adjustments. The school may also use the information you provide when applying for specialist resources or services and/or supplementary funding to support your child’s education.

Enrolling a student outside their year level

Upon enrolment, students will be placed in the year of study corresponding to their age group. In the public school system, repeating a year is a school-based decision and is usually not considered to be in the interest of maintaining the child’s links to the year group.  At Beaconsfield Primary School, the principal makes the final decision on which year level the child enrols in. Decisions about the enrolment of a child into a specific year of schooling will be based on age eligibility, as well as the child’s level of previous schooling, achievement levels and identified needs.  In making a determination, the principal will consider the academic, medical or psychological evidence that withholding or repeating a student would be in their best interest.


If your Application for Enrolment is not accepted, you will be advised in writing. Should you disagree with the school’s decision regarding your Application for Enrolment please contact the principal in the first instance.  The Coordinator Regional Operations at your Education Regional Office can provide advice if a concern has not been resolved. Information about formal disputes can be obtained from the school, the Education Regional Office or the Department of Education

Rottnest Campus

Enrolments on Rottnest are only available for employees of the Rottnest Island Authority or permanent residents on the island.

Families holidaying on the Island are advised that students away from their usual school for an extended period of time may be able to access the following:

Beaconsfield Primary School_Enrolment Information